CCF Building


Ministry of Commerce

អគ្គនាយកដ្ឋានការពារអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់​ កិច្ចការប្រកួតប្រជែង និងបង្ក្រាបការក្លែងបន្លំ​ « ក.ប.ប. »​

Consumer Protection Competition and fraud repression Directorate-general ( CCF )

Announcements Announcements

Department of Competition

1. The Roles and duties of the Department of Competition

The Department of Competition has the duties as follows:

-    Research and develop competition policy and strategic plan

-    Liaise with relevant institutions both in national and international framework on competition matters,

receive and implement competition assistance projects

-    Analyze and evaluate the competition impact in the market

-    Prepare and review complaints from stakeholders within the competition framework to take actions

-    Investigate and propose enforcement measures for any activities that prohibit or restrict competition

-    Analyze on proposed business combination on the impact that may have the objective or the effect

to significantly prevent, restrict or distort competition in the market and prepare analytical conclusion

-    As the focal point with ASEAN Competition Commission and other develop partners

-    Develop action plan and annual budget plan of the Department

-    Manage on administrative work personnel and equipment of the Department

-    Perform other duties assigned by the Director General.

2. The Organization Structure of the Department of Competition

3. Significant Activities

The Department of Competition has cooperated with GIZ under the framework of Promotion of Competitiveness for ASEAN Integration (COMPETE) The Department of Competition organized a training course on the Law on Competition in the general context at the General Department of the Consumer Protection, Competition and Fraud Depression (CCF) with the following speakers:

  • Mr.  David Fruitman, legal expert at GIZ; and
  • Mr. Meng Songkheang, Director of the Department of Competition of the General Department of CFF.

This training course had three sessions attended by the officials from the General Department of CCF:

  1. The first session was held from 10-11 August 2020, with 90 participants;
  2. The second session was held from 9-10 September 2020, with 90 participants; and
  3. The third session was held from 6-7 October 2020, with 90 participants.

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